| Winnie-The-Pooh
Leeft in het Grote Dierenbos onder de
naam 'Sanders' (op een bordje in gouden
letters) Hij is dol op:
honing, Christopher Robin en spelen met
pooh sticks.
"Thank you,
Piglet." said Pooh. "What you have just
said will be a Great Help to us,
and because of it I could call this
place Poohanpiglet Corner if Pooh
Corner didn't sound better, which it does,
being smaller and more like a
corner. Come along."
| Knorretje: Woont in een boomhuis in het
Grote Dierenbos. Hij is dol op: Pooh.Likes: Pooh
Is gauw bang en schrikt vaak.
"I wish Pooh were here. It's so much
more friendly with two."
| Teigetje: Woont met Kanga en Roe in het
Grote Dierenbos. Hij is dol op: tijgetjes en springen.
Hij houdt absoluut niet van: honing,
bijen en distels.
"Tiggers don't
like honey." "Oh!" said Pooh, and tried
to make it sound Sad and Regretful.
"I thought they liked everything."
"Everything except honey," said
| Ieoor: Woont in het huis op Pooh Corner
gebouwt door Knorretje en Pooh. Hij houdt er
van somber te zijn. Ook is hij graag
het centrum van de aandacht.
"I'm not asking anybody," said
Eeyore. "I'm just telling everybody.
We can look for the North Pole, or we
can play 'Here we go gathering Nuts
and May' with the end part of an ant's
nest. It's all the same to me."
| Uil: Woont voorheen in de top van
de boom maar momenteel in het huis van Knorretje
die deze af heeft gestaan. Hij houdt van:
verhaaltjes vertellen en hij is erg wijs.
Owl looked at the notice again. To one of his
education the reading of it was easy. "Gone out,
Backson. Bisy, Backson" --just the sort of thing
you'd expect to see on a notice. "It is quite
clear what has happened, my dear Rabbit," he said.
"Christopher Robin has gone out somewhere with
Backson. He and Backson are busy together. Have
you seen a Backson anywhere about in the Forest
| Konijn: Hij woont in een hol onder
de grond. Hij houdt van tuinieren. Hij houdt
niet van tijgetjes.
"I don't want him,"
said Rabbit. "But it's always useful to know where a
friend-and-relation is, whether you want him or whether
you don't.
| Kanga: Woont in het Grote Dierenbos.
Zij houdt veel van: Roe, haar zoon,.
"I must
see Owl's sponge! Oh, there it is! Oh, Owl! Owl, it isn't
a sponge, its a spudge! Do you know what a
spudge is, Owl? It's when your sponge gets all---"
| Roe: Woont bij zijn moeder Kanga.
Houdt van: tijgetjes en spelen. Houdt niet van: zijn
medicijnen en badderen.
"Pooh, did you see me swimming?
That's called swimming, what I was doing. Rabbit,
did you see what I was doing? Swimming. Hallo, Piglet! I say,
Piglet! What do you think I was doing? Swimming! Christopher Robin, did you see me---"